Our Spaces
Our Story
Spaces of Opportunity is a collaborative project designed to give residents of south Phoenix access to nutritious food, entrepreneurial opportunities and community building. Learn more about how we got our start.
A Lot Of Cultivation
Nestled in the middle of south Phoenix neighborhoods, 19 acres of land stood vacant. But community change makers looked to the roots of this plot—once the most productive farmland in Arizona—and wanted to restore that memory. A group saw what this land could be, and they had a vision. So in 2015, they made a decision to make that vision a reality.

A Seed of Inspiration
Spaces was born out of the many years of research from a coalition of organizations called, Cultivate South Phoenix, which sought to improve the health and wellness of the south Phoenix community though the study and implementation of Collective Impact. In 2015, Individuals from Desert Botanical Garden, Tiger Mountain Foundation, Unlimited Potential, Orchard Community Learning Center and Roosevelt School District began the first steps to transform the land. They saw it as a space to fill a need—a need for job opportunities, accessible, affordable healthy food options, a place to gather and build roots, continue traditions and start new ones. Leveraging their individual strengths and connections, the organizations came together to nurture their shared goal—to build on the cultural and agricultural roots of a south Phoenix lot and enrich the lives of those in the community.
Growing Opportunities
Together, the partnering organizations started to transform the land into a fertile plot that could help sustain organic agriculture. The land was divided to create incubator farms, community gardens, healing spaces and a farmers market. A true community resource, it’s expanding, growing and nourishing the people, just like the crops farmers plant. And Spaces of Opportunity will continue to grow, evolve and spread its roots in the South Mountain community.

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Join Our Community
You’re invited to help keep this community of sustainability growing. Whether you want to volunteer your time, donate or just want to come out and support the market, everyone is welcome to join in and see the opportunities being cultivated in south Phoenix.